sábado, 15 de julio de 2023


I can't seem to wonder how you are 
because you don't care how I am.
You made that clear when you cut me off 
when you said that it was all wrong. 

I do seem to wonder how you could 
become so heartless and so cruel 
to hand me your whole life 
and take it away without sign. 

Now I sit and wonder everyday 
if you were ever a mistake,  
I sit and wonder now and again 
why you would ever leave like that. 

I would never wonder whether 
I could promise you a forever 
and then look you in the eyes 
and tell you it was all a lie. 

But I do seem to wonder often
how one can feel so hopeless 
and then leave me here to question: 
were you a figment of my imagination? 

Mar Fresno 

sábado, 1 de julio de 2023


Quiero aprenderte entero,
saber todo lo que has dicho
hasta entender así todo 
lo que hayas sido. 

Mientras estés conmigo 
miraré cada detalle
y cuando no lo estés
te pediré que no cambies. 

Pediré que cuando no esté
sigas siendo el mismo 
que había grabado. 

Pediré que si te fueses a ir,
cuando vuelvas seas igual
a como te había dejado. 

Mar Fresno